If you're like most of America, you do a lot of shopping on Amazon. After all, there are few things that you can't find there -- often at a better price than you can purchase locally. The one- and two-day free shipping offers make these consumer goods even more...
Why are burn injuries so serious?
Burns are some of the most painful and terrible on-the-job injuries you can suffer -- and the consequences can last for a lifetime.What causes burn injuries in the workplace? Some industries -- like restaurant work -- put some employees at greater risk of burns than...
New Ikea recall over 3-drawer dressers
If you bought a dresser that had the potential to tip over and kill your child, you would want to know that vital tidbit of information. Yet furniture giant Ikea appears to have dropped the ball recalling their dangerous product.Six kids died over 10 years from...
Why should I purchase title insurance?
If you are purchasing a home or another piece of property, you may wonder if you really need title insurance. If you're borrowing money, you'll find that lenders insist upon its purchase to protect them from financial losses stemming from property ownership...